The race consists of three events:
- 1.5k Swim
- 42k Bike
- 10k Run
The race will commence with an irregular shape one lap 1.5k swim in Tikioki lagoon.
This is described as a 310m leg out toward the reef to marker # 1, a right turn onto the second leg of 300m followed by 3 shorter legs back to marker # 1 and after turning there, straight back to the beach on the final 310m leg.
The first 4 marker buoys will be on swimmers right shoulder at the turn and the final turn will be on swimmers left shoulder. While it is not expected to be much current this can at times change and cross current may be experienced. The tide will be in, providing ample water depths.

The cycle leg measures 42km being an “out and back course” covering much of the east and north sides of Rarotonga. The cycle will not circumnavigate the island.
Marshals will be at key points but you are required to familiarise yourself with the course before the race.
Cycle course directions.
- turn RIGHT on main road at transition (see photo below)
- pass through Muri and through the main Avarua town
- continue past the airport and then the golf course
- turn LEFT at Black Rock Store (signposted to Hospital)
- ride up Hospital Hill (approximately 200m of climb) then turn LEFT following the road down past the back of the golf course to the next intersection
- turn LEFT into Harley Street
- turn LEFT at main road and ride for approximately 3k
- make a U turn, back, on the main road (a cone will mark where to turn)
- ride back to the transition (past the golf course, town and through Muri), all the way to the transition area.
The road is not closed to traffic and competitors must use caution at all times. Drafting is not permitted behind vehicles or other cyclists.
Photo of exit and entry from transition below:

The run leg is a flat, T-shaped course, starting from transition at Titikaveka.
Runners will dismount their bikes and run along the grass verge next to the sea (on left) at the Titikaveka transition area, then turn right next to the registration hall. Upon entering the main coastal road runners will turn right onto the left hand side of the road, keeping to the left as cyclists will be arriving down the right hand seaside of the road.
Runners will cross to the right hand seaside of the road at the road closure area and continue, facing traffic to turnaround.
The turnaround is at 2.5km (soon after the bridge at “Pacific Resort”) where runners will cross the road so they can continue to keep right, and run 2.5km in the opposite direction back to the transition area. Runners will then continue a further 2.5k to the second turnaround.
At the second turnaround (at the Queen’s Representative offices), runners will again cross the road so they can run on the right, and run 2.5k back to the transition area. This time they proceed as directed into the nearest end of the transition area on to the sea front area, down the finishing chute and through the arch into the central transition area at Titikaveka.
The roadway has already been marked at all relative points.
Drink stops will have availability 6 times during the run course. The maximum distance between drink stops is 2km with most available at 1.5km.
Competitors are advised to keep well hydrated. Temperatures during the event are expected to be around 30C.

We like to keep the event fun and enjoyable, and teams in the triathlon event are welcome to participate. All things applicable to individuals are also applicable to team members. “Tagging” of team members will be at the beach side of the transition area and will occur before unracking your bike and after racking your bike.
In entering this event you certify that you are medically fit to complete the event. One of the most important things to remember is to keep your fluid levels up - don’t forget to hydrate well before, during and after the race!
We highly recommend all race participants obtain their own travelers insurance. Better safe than sorry and it never hurts to have that extra assurance. That way you can enjoy your race and trip with confidence and ease, knowing everything is taken care of.
The Cook Islands Triathlon Association Inc. is an affiliated member of the International Triathlon Union (ITU) and ITU race rules for Olympic Distance apply. This includes the following:
- No wetsuits or skin suits may be worn as the water will be well above 22C (estimated to be closer to 25C)
- Cutting corners or turning before the designated turning points on each leg is not permitted.
- Cyclists must put on their helmet and fasten it securely before removing the bike from the rack, and are to keep the helmet on until after the bike is racked following the cycle leg.
- It is illegal to draft on the cycle leg behind cyclists or other traffic.
- Support crews or outside assistance is not permitted on any leg of the race.
- The Rarotonga Triathlon is an invitation event, and the Event organisers may refuse entry to any competitor, on any grounds, and at their own discretion without explanation.