The Paradise Supplies Kids Tri is an event targetted to children of all capabilities.
It is competivtive but the key objective is to get kids involved.
On the day there will be prizes and giveaways. Involvment of parents is encourgaed.
- 100m swin, 3k ride and 1km run; or
- 200m swim, 5k ride and 2k run.
Race categories:
- 9 years and under, Individual (Male, Female)
- 9 years and under, team (Male, Female, Mixed)
- 10-12 years and under, Individual (Male, Female)
- 10-12 years and under, team (Male, Female, Mixed)
- 13-16 years and under, Individual (Male, Female)
- 13-16 years and under, team (Male, Female, Mixed)
Registration fees:
- This race is free courtesy of the key sponsor Paradise Supplies.
To register check out our Events Calendar.